Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009
Kenapa PJU LED Mati Padahal Baru Dipasang?
Untuk itu bagi para user PJU LED harap memperhatikan karateristik dasar teknologi LED agar pada pemakaian dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Adapun yang perlu diperhatikan adalah:
1. Jenis LED yang digunakan high power atau low power LED perlakuannya beda
2. Memperhitungkan dampak aircon Armatur atau rumah lampu yang digunakan
3. Waktu Operasional Lampu dalam sehari, sebulan, setahun dst.
4. Apabila di kombinasi dengan tenaga surya perhitungkan kemampuan Solarcell, Penyimpan
energi, dan controller, disesuaikan dengan kondisi lokasi proyek.
Terima kasih
eggreen Agustus 2009
Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009
Simulasi Penggunaan LVD induction Lamp 80W pada komplek industri pengolahan Kelapa sawit Sinarmas
Economic and Environmental Analyses: | Sinarmas Palm Oil Project | |||
Design and Payback Periode of the Replacing Conventional Lighting HPI-T Light 250W | ||||
by LVD induction lamp 80W (A Location: Mill Processing Building) | ||||
Lighting system | Unit | HPI-T 250W | LVD 80W | |
Ballasts Type | | Standard | Electronic dimmable | |
No. of Luminaires | pcs | 59 | 59 | |
No of lamps per luminaire | pcs | 1 | 1 | |
Configuration | W | 250W | 80W | |
Circuit wattage per luminaire | W | 266 | 81W | |
Δ Aircon loading per luminaire | W | 50 | 1 | |
Total circuit wattage per luminaire | W | 316 | 81 | |
Estimated Annual hours burned | hrs | 4320 | 4320 | |
Total circuit wattage | kW | 18.64 | 4.779 | |
Annual energy consumed | kWh | 80,542.08 | 20,645.28 | |
Economic lamp life (80% inst. lum. flux) | hrs | 8,000.00 | 100,000.00 | |
Annual energy costs | Rp | 104,704,704 | 26,838,864 | |
Annual lamp costs | Rp | 0 | 0 | |
Annual operating costs | Rp | 0 | 0 | |
Annual savings | Rp | 0 | 77,865,840 | |
Saving as % of conv. operation cost | % | 0 | 74.36708861 | |
| | | ||
Saving for a year HPI-T 250W operation for each 59 poits Lighting: | | | ||
Annual Saving Energy consumption | 59,897 | kWh | ||
Saving Energy cost | 77,865,840 | Rupiah | ||
Saving Money for maintenance | 0 | Rupiah | ||
Additional Investment | 43,586,250 | Rupiah | ||
34,279,590 | ||||
Payback periode against add investment | 0.56 | tahun | ||
BENEFIT for Environment: | | | ||
1. Electricity mix: 0.5000 kg/kWh | saving energi 4,158,000 kWh equal reducing CO2: 29,948.50 kgs | |||
2. One tree absorbed CO2 20 kgs/year | reducing CO2 29,948.50 kgs per year equal replantation: 1,497 trees | |||
Senin, 25 Mei 2009
Highest Efficiency breaker from SANYO
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. (OTC: SANYY) announced on Saturday that the company has broken its own record for crystalline solar cell conversion efficiency in Sanyo's HIT solar panel range.
Sanyo HIT solar panels already had the highest efficiency
Sanyo HIT solar panels already had the highest efficiency of any solar panel for the home solar power market. With recent refinements, the company says it has achieved a conversion efficiency of 23.0%; that is, 23% of sunlight hitting the panel cells can be converted to electricity.
This represents the first time that a photovoltaic manufacturer has broken through the 23% mark in conversion efficiency at the research level for practical-sized solar cells.
The Sanyo HIT (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin layer) solar panel is constructed of a thin monocrystalline silicon wafer encased in ultra-thin amorphous silicon layers. This hybrid technology allows for excellent performance at high temperatures compared to conventional silicon solar cells.
To gain the additional conversion efficiency improvements, Sanyo refined the HIT solar cell junction through developing a technology for depositing a higher quality a-Si (amorphous silicon) layer over the c-Si (crystalline silicon) substrate while protecting the c-Si surface from being damaged. The company also developed know-how to reduce optical absorption loss in both the a-Si layer and transparent conductive layer.
Additionally, lower-resistance electrode material for use in the grid electrode and a higher-aspect ratio through improving printing technology has led to a success in reduction of resistance loss when an electric current flows through.
Aside from the best conversion efficiency available for solar farms; commercial and residential solar power systems, Sanyo HIT solar panels also offer a smaller footprint, allowing more capacity within a limited area such as a rooftop. The panels offer an added benefit of being a "greener" solar module through the use of less silicon material.
Senin, 27 April 2009
Stop glabal Warming at home
Global warming who cares,.... we all care-less,.. we should all be lost ,.....
Many holes in the ozone layer above our earth. The main occurrence of the ozone hole because of our behavior every day to add CO2 in the atmosphere. Fuel used by our major fossil is like Coal and Oil. All the activities we use motor vehicles and power plants that remove the CO2 gas emissions very much.
On the other side of the Oxygen producer and absorber CO2 in the air that plants are reduced due to clearing for plantations, agriculture, residential, and even illegal loging.
The limited forest and the more we use electricity accelerate ozone destruction and the means that disaster will quickly come about us. Therefore, the Call of the world and our Indonesia government for HEMAT ENERGI should be positive responded by our existence as our responsibility to God and our future children and grandchildren. Program tree re-planting, energy efficient, sparing paper, recycling etc. we implemented with taste and seriously. Environmental education to children in the house since we have to give early. Use and selection of equipment household electricity is also a critical point in the movement of electricity sparingly. One that we can apply directly in the house is electric lighting. Next we need to consider the 2 types of light which is used in your home as below:
Lights (Incandescent) 40 Watt used 12 hours a day
replaced with energy efficient CFL Lamp 8 Watt just enough
CO2 Savings could reach 2,102 kg per year
When at home we made the replacement of the lighting units 3 will reduce CO2 approximately 6,306 kg in a year
1 fruit tree can absorb less CO2 over 20 kg in a year in the process of photosynthesis. So, when 6306 kg of CO2 required approximately 315 trees to clear. Head lights use energy efficient even though only one has joined your save the earth. This is very easy to do in our own home, let's electricity sparingly.
Sabtu, 04 April 2009
Lampu Induksi
Even if the principles of light induction is known hundreds of years ago, but never or have not introduced to the market until recently. Formerly called Electrode-less Discharge Lamp. Now in line with developments in the use of good Ballast electronics, induction lamps have a good chance to be introduced to the community accompany the LED is already socialized prior to the commercial use in various lighting needs.
Keunggulan dibanding lampu konvensional:
- Mengingat lampu ini tidak menggunakan elektroda maka umurnya jauh lebih awet dari lampu neon biasa kurang lebih 10 kalinya;
- Hemat energi karena daya yang diperlukan hanya untuk menginduksi lilitan saja;
- Ramah lingkungan karena tidak mengandung mercury;
- Karena daya yang diperlukan sangat kecil dibanding lampu yang lain maka sangat direkomendasi diterapkan untuk Tenaga Surya.
- Effisiensi tinggi karena memiliki power factor 90% 40W/80W/120W lampu induksi dapat menggantikan lampu berdaya besar seperti 250W, 400W, 1000 Watt